IndieSFX is a professional game sound effects library with an emphasis on sound quality and usefulness. All sound effects are original and created for this library by me, Mark Sheeky, since 2002. I use studio quality Rode condenser microphones and 24-bit digital recording technology, plus custom-designed software with original 32-bit algorithms to hand-create all of the IndieSFX sound effects.
This is the official page for IndieSFX Music. You can find the IndieSFX Sound Effects Library on Follow both pages to track new releases and occasional special offers.
The music is here is sold for royalty-free use in your game or project on a non-exclusive basis. See the Licence.pdf document for full terms of use.
About half of the tracks here were composed by an artificial intelligence called Oldfield 1. Oldfield 1 was one of the first commercial music composing and producing intelligences, and perhaps the first A.I. with a record contract, releasing the album Art By Machine in 2014 with Cornutopia Music.